Using Renate in a Custom Training Script **************************************** Usually, we use Renate by writing a :code:`` and launching training jobs via the :py:func:`` function. In this example, we demonstrate how to write your own training script and use renate in a functional way. This can be useful, e.g., for debugging new components. Here, we use Renate to fine-tune a pretrained Transformer model on a sequence classification dataset. First, we create the model and a loss function. Since this is a static model, we simply wrap it using the :py:class:`~renate.models.renate_module.RenateWrapper` class. Recall that loss functions should produce one loss value per input example (:code:`reduction="none"` for PyTorch's built-in losses), as explained in :ref:`getting_started/how_to_renate_config:Loss Definition`. .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/custom_training_script/ :lines: 14-18 Next, we prepare the dataset on which we want to fine-tune the model. Here, we use the :py:class:`~renate.benchmark.datasets.nlp_datasets.HuggingFaceTextDataModule` to load the :code:`"imdb"` dataset from the Hugging Face hub. This will also take care of tokenization for us, if we pass it the corresponding tokenizer. .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/custom_training_script/ :lines: 21-26 Now we can instantiate a :py:class:`~renate.updaters.model_updater.ModelUpdater` to perform the training. Since we just want to fine-tune the model on a single dataset here, we use the :py:class:`~renate.updaters.experimental.fine_tuning.FineTuningModelUpdater`. We pass our :code:`model` as well as training details, such as the optimizer to use and its hyperparameters. The model updater also receives all options related to distributed training, as explained in :ref:`examples/nlp_finetuning:Support for training large models`. Once the model updater is created, we initiate the training by calling its :py:meth:`~renate.updaters.model_updater.ModelUpdater.update` method and passing training and (optionally) validation datasets. .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/custom_training_script/ :lines: 29-39 Once the training is terminated, your model is ready to deploy. Here, we just save its weights for later use using standard `PyTorch functionality `_. .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/custom_training_script/ :lines: 43